Host Node

Meaning – The term host node, refers to the node on which the host computer is found. One of the important features of the host node is that it provides an application programming interface (API) and a common application interface.

A Host node represents a general-purpose computer on the network; any physical or virtual computer system in your organization. A host is of a specific type, such as a server or a desktop which BMC Helix Discovery gains high-quality interactive access.

The attributes of a Host node contain stable information about the host, such as processor and memory details, its primary hostname, OS information, whether it is virtual, and so forth. Hosts are considered inferred information because rules inside the reasoning engine are used to determine which hosts exist based on the DiscoveryAccess results obtained.

Example of usage“A Host node is created in the data store when a new host is inferred from a successful discovery. A Host is only created when good quality access to the target computer has been established.”