Automatic Calling Unit (ACU)

Meaning – As the name suggests, the automatic calling unit, or ACU, is a dialling device that enables computers or card diallers, to make calls directly over a telecommunication network. Once the call has been answered, the computer either plays a pre recorded message or connects to a live person.

Organisations use the automatic calling unit extensively, especially when they are in the business of providing services to thousands of consumers. In such cases, it becomes physically impossible to keep following up with customers, and thus the ACU proves very useful in getting the job done.

Usually, when the ACU is used to deliver a pre recorded message, it is often called voice broadcasting, and this could either be a message that the consumer listen to and ends the call, or the message may be more interactive, where the user has to press a number on the numbed, to head to another section of the interaction.

Example of usage“I called up the tech support of the smartphone company and was greeted by the ACU powered voice broadcast”.