AutoCAD is the best computer aided design software available in the market. It was developed all the way back in 1982, and saw its release as a desktop app. The company responsible for the development and marketing of AutoCad is the USA based software giant Autodesk.
Today, AutoCAD is available as a Desktop, Tablet, and mobile app, each with its own user interface and applications.
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What is a Computer-Aided Design?
Whenever a company wants to make a product, the first step they practise is sketching out the prototype on paper. However, the concept that is born on paper may not always be manufacturable. Thus, a dedicated designer takes this concept and converts it into a manufacturable prototype design by drafting the sketch into the form of dimensional drawings depicting multiple views of the product.
This process is nothing but Computer-Aided Design, and the best tool available for practicing CAD is none other than AutoCAD.
Why AutoCAD?
In a market that consists of various solutions for computer-aided design, the question arises as to why AutoCAD is the most recommended.
Let’s take a look at the major features that AutoCAD boasts of.
Feature 1. Compatibility with other software.
The major requirement in design software today is compatibility with competing software. Many users around the world use a host of software depending on their preference and as such, we expect all tools to be able to export files in other competing formats. AutoCAD wins the race in this case, as it supports the widest range of file formats for export. While exporting to a .dwg file is pretty much standard, the AutoCAD tool also supports extensions such as Bentley MX GENIO Extension, PISTE Extension (France), ISYBAU (Germany), OKSTRA and Microdrainage (UK). These extensions assist users to export their design files to various market-relevant formats.
Feature 2. Language Support.
When you have a global software, it is important that it supports multiple languages, to enable users anywhere in the world to use this software without a problem. AutoCAD supports all the major languages and more, making it a truly versatile and global CAD software.
Some of the languages supported are – English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Czech, Polish and Hungarian.
Feature 3. Support for Extensions
AutoCAD features comprehensive support for a host of APIs which can help users enhance productivity of the AutoCAD software.
Some of the APIs supported on AutoCAD is -AutoLISP, Visual LISP, VBA, .NET and ObjectARX
Feature 4. Vertical Integration
While AutoCAD in itself is a very powerful CAD software, Autodesk has built various different flavours around it, to enable specific design modifications in a particular stream. These versions act as standalone software but feature dedicated features for specific niches.
Some of the variants of AutoCAD include.
How do I get a copy of AutoCAD?
AutoCAD is a premium offering from Autodesk, and as such works on a subscription model. This is how you go about getting a copy of AutoCAD.
Step 1. Open the browser on your Desktop/Laptop.
Step 2. In the URL bar, type in
Step 3. Log in with your Autodesk account. If you don’t have one, make sure you register before attempting to purchase the AutoCAD software.
Step 4. Scroll down on the screen and you should see the AutoCAD tab, with three options.
Step 5. You can opt to go for a ‘Free Trial’ for 30 days if you are not serious about buying a package.
Step 6. If you are planning to buy the AutoCAD package, then click on the ‘Subscribe‘ option.
Step 7. Choose the plan you want and go ahead with the order process.
Step 8. You will now be able to download and install AutoCAD on your system.
In conclusion, all I want to say is that AutoDesk has truly revolutionized the CAD market with AutoCAD, which is not only robust, but also a truly future proof offering. If you are into CAD and want a software that has got it all, then AutoCAD is the software for you.