Physical Circuit

Meaning – The term physical circuit, refers to a circuit established without multiplexing.

In electronics, a circuit is a path between two or more points along which an electrical current can be carried.

In telecommunications, a circuit is a discrete (specific) path between two or more points along which signals can be carried. Unless otherwise qualified, a circuit is a physical path, consisting of one or more wires (or wireless paths) and possibly intermediate switching points.

A virtual circuit, sometimes called a logical circuit, is a path between two or more points that seems like a fixed physical path, but actually is one path out of many possible physical paths that can be arranged.

Example of usage“Originally, telecommunication circuits transmitted analog information. Radio stations used them as studio transmitter links (STLs) or as remote pickup units (RPU) for sound reproduction, sometimes as a backup to other means. Later lines were digital, used in pair-gain applications, such as carrier systems, or in enterprise data networks.”