Ghost's Face Revealed in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Leak

Ghost’s Face Revealed in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Leak

It’s conceivable that Ghost may be unmasked in a future Modern Warfare game or as part of the continuing plot in Modern Warfare 2, therefore some fans may consider this a “spoiler.” However, it is doubtful that Infinity Ward will ever remove Ghost’s mask. After all, Ghost’s mask has become a symbol for the whole Call of Duty series. It’s one of the key reasons Ghost has remained such a popular figure throughout the years, so it seems counterproductive to reveal his identity.

Ghost is not only included in the Modern Warfare 2 narrative, but he is also one of the playable Operators in the game’s multiplayer mode. In addition, gamers may use their Ghost Operator in the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 battle royale, and one has to suppose that he will play a part in the anticipated MW2 campaign DLC that is expected next year. The verdict is still out on whether or not the MW2 campaign DLC is legitimate, but Ghost will be making frequent cameos in the series going forward.