V's Apartment Building is Significantly Expanded in Cyberpunk 2077 Mod

V’s Apartment Building is Significantly Expanded in Cyberpunk 2077 Mod

Now that Cyberpunk 2077’s sequel has been formally confirmed, it will be intriguing to see where CDPR takes the series next. For all of its flaws, the studio’s first effort into sci-fi has gone rather well, and with a thriving modding community backing it up and a major expansion on the horizon, it seems all but likely that the game will only become better in the coming months.

It’s also amusing to look back, given that the original Cyberpunk 2077 teaser was released a little over a decade ago. The game went through a somewhat turbulent production cycle, which meant that several of the issues alluded to in the teaser video were almost totally ignored in the final result. Even if the sequel fails to recreate the distinctive ambience of 2077’s first teaser, a particularly determined modder may succeed.