Every map missing from previous Modern Warfare games has been revealed by a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 fan

Every map missing from previous Modern Warfare games has been revealed by a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 fan

A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 fan shows every map that was omitted in prior Modern Warfare games. The Call of Duty series has a plethora of memorable maps, with some old fan favourites being resurrected in subsequent instalments of the games, which might be exciting for Modern Warfare 2 gamers.

Activision has announced a Modern Warfare 2 expansion for 2023, a complete premium release. Although no specifics were provided, users may anticipate additional content for the game. This implies that the inclusion of old fan-favourite maps might be in the future, and some fans have already made a list of maps they’d want to see included. Activision should start with a list of legendary Modern Warfare maps that have yet to be introduced to Modern Warfare 2.

KraKraten shared a Reddit screenshot of every map from the first Modern Warfare trilogy that has yet to be included in Modern Warfare 2. Some of these levels, such as Ambush, Crossfire, Bloc, District, Showdown, and Wet Work, are readily identifiable from Call of Duty 4. So far, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has enabled the inclusion of earlier material, such as attachment tuning and Taraq, an early Call of Duty level that was redone and expanded upon in the newest Modern Warfare update. Because Activision is renowned for including old stories in current games, fans are hoping that the expansion may include some of the maps on the list.