
Can you see who has viewed your Facebook profile

There are, however, some telltale signs that you can observe that may hint at some activity on your profile by other users.

Number 1. Likes on Older Posts/Mass Likes

If you have a populated timeline on Facebook, and you see someone bulk liking all your posts in one shot on Facebook, its a clear indication that the said user has been visiting on your profile, check out your content.

Sometimes, you may see that someone has gone ahead and liked or interacted with a post you published a few months or even years ago. In such cases, you can rest assured that the particular user has been on your profile for a while.

Number 2. Likes from Unknown users

The other indication that someone has viewed your profile is if they like your posts and then send you a connection request.

While these are just placeholder solutions, the truth still stands that as of today, there is really no legitimate way to see who has viewed your Facebook Profile. We request you not to fall for online ads and gimmicks.