A Look Inside: vivo Tokyo R&D Center


Mr.Masazumi believes that mobile camera technology can only be developed on the foundation of a robust and mature imaging industry, which is precisely the biggest advantage of Tokyo as the location of the Tokyo R&D center.

However, R&D centers in different parts of the world also face some challenges. For example, while transitioning from R&D to mass production, prototypes need to fit into products manufactured in China, which are subject to continuous testing and improvement. The physical distance between the two places makes this process time-consuming.

Another challenge is that Japan and China follow different hardware specifications, which poses great difficulties for the R&D team. In response, experts from the Tokyo R&D center recommend utilizing locally unique resources for R&D.

As the Tokyo R&D center grows, it has moved from Shimbashi to Gochome, Chuo-ku, the central area of Tokyo, and its focus has gradually expanded from mobile phone imaging to more niche areas such as car cameras, sports cameras, and industrial cameras.

These technologies have not fully emerged in China market. But with the launch of the Vivo signature gimbal camera and the completion of Vivo’s global manufacturing bases, the successful application of the above technologies is worth looking forward to.

vivo’s Blueprint for The Future with Consumer Needs at Its Core