These animated shorts seem to be recounted mostly through the eyes of the Dracthyr commander Emberthal, combined with the Dragon Aspect Nozdormu as Emberthal’s guide and narrator – who may wind up being Dragonflight’s actual villain when all is said and done. The structure of the tale lends itself perfectly to bring the players up to speed, as Nozdormu remembers significant events from the past that will almost certainly play a large role in Dragonflight’s overall storyline.
The second chapter of Dragonflight Legacies covers the War of the Ancients, the corruption of Neltharion, the creation of the Dragon Soul, and the final fall of Deathwing, whereas the first chapter covered the primordial time before the Dragon Aspects became the dutiful shepherds and protectors of Azeroth. The Dragon Aspects sacrifice their power and immortality to free Azeroth of Deathwing’s lunacy in the second chapter, much to the astonishment and mistrust of Emberthal, who viewed Neltharion as the Dracthyr’s unimpeachable commander.