Why Your Business Should Be Partnering With Brand Ambassadors

Why Your Business Should Be Partnering With Brand Ambassadors

With all the different ways to advertise a business these days online, partnering with brand ambassadors may be something you have either put on the back burner or forgotten totally about. The position of brand ambassador has been around for years, but through that time it’s managed to evolve and find a way to continue positively influencing the business’s bottom line. 

Brand ambassadors are real people within your business’s community who appreciate your product or business and are willing to communicate their feelings to others in their community. Brand ambassadors will be able to speak to the quality of your product and business, as they have been actively using it. 

Another attractive feature of brand ambassadorship is that your brand ambassadors don’t have to be celebrities or social media stars. Learning how to become a brand ambassador isn’t difficult for an individual who is already passionate about your business and is a natural part of your target market. Brand ambassadors can be any passionate customer of your business who is willing to share their enthusiasm for your brand. 

For a small business with a budget, brand ambassadors can be as influential, if not more so than working with celebrity influencers because the cost between the two options varies so drastically. 

Even micro-influencer, who are influencers with 1000-25000 followers can charge anywhere between $1000 to $10,000 for an ambassador deal. Brand ambassadors typically are free or low-cost advertisers, who have a deep personal knowledge of your product or business as well as an appreciation of it. With that, here are five more reasons why your business would be partnering with brand ambassadors.