Tips to Study Medicine More Efficiently

Fast reading is certainly a valid tool that can allow us to save time to then devote to memorization. But we must be careful to apply it correctly, not trivializing it and not losing important information.

For this reason, if you are studying medicine and have never deepened speed reading, we recommend the pointer technique.

Now I want to ask you a question: have you ever noticed that if you read a text you have an inner voice that repeats what you read? In practice, even if we do not open our mouths, when we read our voice it follows us internally. This dictates the tempo and the tempo of the voice is much slower than the brain actually is.

Now, have you ever tried to read a book by following words with your finger or a pencil?

Try reading normally at the speed of your inner voice and follow up with a pen. Then slightly increase the speed of the pen on the line and you will see that you will be able to follow it without problems, understanding everything you read.