If you believe an intruder has gained access to your profile, we urge that you immediately report the event to the platform and change your login information.
Number 4. Do not click on every link that you see on the web
We’ve previously mentioned phishing links as one of the most popular methods for malware and viruses to proliferate and steal critical information from consumers. Such assaults seek to obtain your login credentials and, in many cases, approach your connections in order to initiate fraud.
Always be wary of catchy and shorter URLs, particularly when they come from questionable sources. Check the source before clicking on anything in your DMs or comments.
Number 5. When you are using public Wi-Fi, make sure you use a VPN
Hackers may even enter your smartphone over public Wi-Fi and get access to your social media to account from there. This is why we always advocate utilizing a reputable VPN when connecting to open WiFi networks. This program hides your IP address and location while encrypting VPN tunnels to protect your data.