Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Review

Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Review

The first thing you will notice in the design of the Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker is the squarish body and the rubberised finish. The design is very typical Sony and that’s what makes it so familiar when in use. The body has a bit of a heft to it which is why the tag of robust fits perfectly with this device. The rubber finish to this device might be a bit of an acquired taste to most people but it makes sure that you have your entertainment going even through rough use. Along with the rather new finish, the Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker also comes with the IPX3 certification, which means it is resistant to both water and dust, which makes it the ideal companion for outdoor parties and meet-ups. Other than the sleek yet practical additions in the Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, Sony has also put in four different colour options to choose from – Red, Blue, White or Black. Each of the variants come with an Led ring that has been adjusted to match the casing. You can however, adjust the same through the app.

All in all, the Sony XB30 Portable Wireless Bluetooth Speaker features a design that is more along the utilitarian side of things, with not a lot of thrills and frills. Sony seems to have takes a more focussed route this time around, and sometimes, its not necessarily a bad thing.