Riot Games Gives League of Legends Emotes a Major Upgrade

Riot Games Gives League of Legends Emotes a Major Upgrade

This, of course, implies that League of Legends would need more random access memory to operate. “We manage the memory on League of Legends pretty tightly because we operate on a wide variety of machines around the world,”  the developer said, before adding that Riot Games recently “found ways to reduce their size without a reduction in quality.”

“In the meantime, we’re also looking at better ways to manage your emotes, what we’d need to create multiple emote pages and some other improvements we like for the system,”  Checkman said of the impending adjustments. “We aren’t going to deliver it all right away, but we’re also not unaware that there are way more emotes than ways to use them. The designer working on this is awesome and I have every confidence emotes are going to slap even harder eventually.”