Overwatch 2: Battle for Olympus Winner Revealed

Blizzard refers to the event as the “first annual” Battle for Olympus in their tweet announcing the winner, implying that it would be a new yearly event for Overwatch 2. Unless Blizzard chooses to repeat Season 2’s Greek mythology theme, a return to Battle for Olympus may seem strange. If the event returns, would another statue be added to an existing Overwatch 2 map, or will the Junker Queen monument be replaced? Finer details like these will most likely have to wait until next year if Blizzard chooses to bring back Battle for Olympus.

Because the fan reception to the Battle for Olympus was not especially good, some may be perplexed as to why Blizzard would want to bring it back at all. Many fans seemed to be dissatisfied with Battle for Olympus for a variety of reasons, with some accusing Blizzard of fixing the tournament so that Junker Queen would win regardless. Regardless, it will be intriguing to see what Overwatch 2 Season 3 has in store, and whether it is able to produce fresh content that is more effective than Battle for Olympus at getting people enthusiastic about the game.