Modern Warfare 2 Gets Massive Xbox Update

Modern Warfare 2 Gets Massive Xbox Update

  • Enemy or live ping in multiplayer will stay blocked until a patch is made with the launch of Season 01. This is due to a problem in which some players’ ping stayed after death. KBM players may still risk ping at the moment.
  • In some modes, the player symbol on the minimap will no longer vanish once a player is resurrected.


Third Person Moshpit now includes the Breenbergh Hotel.

There have been no major map updates, however, we have corrected a number of exploits and geometry flaws in the days after debut. We’ll keep addressing minor issues with daily updates.


  • We are still fine-tuning our user interface, and additional information will be included in the Season 01 launch notes.

We are continually monitoring live problems in addition to the modifications we have previously made. At the moment, some of the recognised difficulties are as follows: