Meet the S-Class DIGITAL: "My MBUX" (Mercedes-Benz User Experience)

Meet the S-Class DIGITAL: “My MBUX” (Mercedes-Benz User Experience)

Meet the S-Class DIGITAL: "My MBUX" (Mercedes-Benz User Experience)


Voice assistant “Hey Mercedes”:

Conventional voice control systems in cars call for certain fixed commands from their users. Because it understands natural language, “Hey Mercedes” listens to almost every word and understands practically any sentence relating to the infotainment sector and vehicle operation in 27 languages. Indirect speech is also recognized, for instance, if the user says “I am cold” instead of the clear command “Temperature in footwell 24 degrees” in order to operate the climate control for the footwell. The voice control is also capable of learning. On the one hand, it tunes into the user and their voice and also understands non-native speakers better; on the other hand, the software models on the server learn new buzzwords or changing the use of language with time.

The system decides which reply is the most likely, then within a few seconds, the reply/reaction follows. This means that the voice assistant also answers if there is no connectivity.