Major Paranormal Activity vibes in Latest Found Footage Horror Game

Major Paranormal Activity vibes in Latest Found Footage Horror Game

Fans of horror games should keep a look out for the upcoming found-footage horror game Paranormal Tales, which has strong echoes of Paranormal Activity. Every year, a slew of new horror games reach the independent market, each attempting to terrify its audience in novel ways. Puppet Combo’s Stay Out of the Home and Chilla’s Art The Convenience Shop are just a couple of the recent horror games on the market. Although several have attempted to replicate VHS tapes with a more retro-type visual design, one future game seems to be attempting to look more like a ghost video from the internet.

Since its premiere, the film has had a strong effect on a slew of horror films, with many opting for a more realistic approach in which someone puts up a camera to catch the supernatural rather than attempting to seem more theatrical with dynamic camera angles. Initially, it was a low-cost but successful means of instilling fear and suspense in the audience, using subtlety to keep them on their toes. It’s safe to argue that this impact has also permeated numerous video games, which attempt to replicate the genuine sensation of a regular person encountering the otherworldly.