Klaxoon Review


If you are the host of the board, you can add in some of the details that form the basis of the board, and once you are happy with it,  you can click on the Launch button and the board will go live. Members of your team can now access the board and contribute to it and you can all take it from there.



One of the things that we sincerely felt about the whole procedure is that the initial steps are easy enough, but when we went into the initial setup of the board, things were a bit tricky to understand and there was no real explainer on what the various sections actually mean and it took us some time to actually understand these elements and if there is one thing the Klaxoon team can do is make the main setup section a bit easier to understand. The interface itself is quite snappy and it all happens inside the browser so there is no outside requirement. If you have a web browser and uninterrupted internet connectivity, you can use Klaxoon.

Now, if all the aforementioned features have sold you on to the platform and you are all set to use the Klaxoon platform for your collaboration purposes, this is how the plans have been laid out.

Free – This is great for teams who have up to 15 members per board and are basically starting up their business or project and don’t really have the budget to invest in the full suite. The free plan allows up to 15 members to use the Board and Question apps out of the complete app suite and access to all the free themes that are available on the Klaxoon market. You can have up to 5 open boards and populate them with up to 100 ideas. We found this to be a great starting point for groups or startups who are small in strength and limited on budget.

However, if you do have a bit of a budget, you can go for the next tier, which is the Workshop Lite plan.

Workshop Lite – This plan allows up to 100 members per board but app usage is restricted to the Board and Question apps only, like the free plan. However, what is great is that you can have unlimited boards open and populate each board with up to 100 ideas. If you are interested in this plan for your group, then it will cost you around $10 per month. It is billed annually if you are interested in making an open-time payment.

Workshop Suite – This plan is by far the most popular of the lot and is ideal for those of you who are absolutely in love with the Klaxoon platform and have a team that is large enough to warrant an upgrade. Subscribing to the workshop suite plan allows you and your team to access the entire Klaxoon app suite and allows you to engage up to 100 members per activity. You can have unlimited boards running and there is also an editing studio that allows you to get some customization done for your activity boards. The workshop suite plan will cost you around $14 per month which is not that much of a bump up compared to the workshop lite plan and you only stand to gain if you make this decision.

Now, if you are a large company with lots of employees and departments, there is an enterprise plan as well where the Klaxoon team will have a sit down with you and you can tell them exactly what you need and they will set up the Klaxoon platform exactly the way you want it. The price for your enterprise plan will vary with your requirement, but it will be worth your while for sure.


With the world slowly coming out of the worst of the pandemic, offices have started opening up, but there are still a few places that are being ravaged by this threat, and the people who work there are still working from home. It is important for companies to accept this hybrid style of work as the new normal and we believe that Klaxoon is the platform they should go for, in order to maintain an interactive and productive environment. The application suite allows for incredible productivity and while the initial setup may be a bit of an explainer process, it is an effort that is worth taking. So, if you are a startup or a fully settled organization and productivity is on top of your requirement, look no further than Klaxoon.