How to measure distance between any two places using Google Maps like a pro

How to measure distance between any two places using Google Maps like a pro

Are you someone who loves to travel, explore new places or maybe just curious about the distance between two locations? Well, Google Maps has become the go-to tool for many of us when it comes to navigation and location services. But did you know that it’s not just limited to finding directions? With Google Maps, you can measure the distance between any two points on the map, and it’s easier than you might think! Whether you’re planning a road trip, a hiking expedition or just curious about the distance between two places, knowing how to measure distance on Google Maps can come in handy. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to measure the distance between any two places using Google Maps like a pro!

Without further ado, let’s get right into it –

For Google Maps on the mobile

Google Maps is the most widely used map application on the mobile devices today, and surprisingly enough, the measure feature is available but as they say, it is hidden in plain sight. It only makes sense that we cover this platform first before moving to the PC version. Let’s go –

Step 1. Open the Google Maps application on your smartphone (Android or iOS). Since we are using an iOS device as our daily driver, this section of the tutorial will be done from the iOS point of view, but the application is quite consistent across both iOS and Android, so the steps will be identical.

Step 2. To place a pin on the map, simply tap and hold your finger on the desired location. This will become the first point or the start point of your measurement.


How to measure distance between any two places using Google Maps like a pro