Greninja is the next Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Seven-Star Raid

As is customary during seven-star raids, every Greninja available as part of the event will have the Mightiest Mark. This implies that the player can only capture one Greninja per save file, although they may still trade with other people through online play. Slowbro was the Cinderace Tera Raid Event’s surprising hero, although it would likely struggle against Greninja owing to the latter’s fondness for hard-hitting Dark-type attacks while swapping its immunity to psychic abilities for susceptibility to them due to its Poison Tera-typing.

Greninja also has an advantage against the greatest Azumarill Raid Build, possibly being able to attack the creature super-effectively with Gunk Shot to prevent it from utilising Belly Drum early on. Its Tera Poison type also allows it to resist Iron Hands’ Drain Punch, implying that players will need to devise new methods for the upcoming seven-star raid. However, until Greninja’s complete move set becomes public knowledge after the event’s start, it is unknown what they will be.