Greninja is the next Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Seven-Star Raid


Greninja, the poison Tera-type, will be the boss of the third and most recent seven-star Tera Raid Event. With Greninja being one of the most popular starting Pokemon in history, many gamers anticipated it to join Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in the newest Tera Raid, and in doing so would also imply Froakie and Frogadier will become attainable via breeding. The event will take place from 00:00 UTC on January 27th, 2023 until 23:59 UTC on January 29th, 2023. It will then be repeated at the same hours between February 10th and February 12th, 2023. During this period, players will be able to get Greninja by defeating it in battle in specific Tera Raid dens displayed on their map.