Network Identifier

Meaning – The term network identifier, refers to that part of the IP address that defines a network. The length of the network ID depends on the type of network class (A, B, or C).

A 1- to 8-byte customer-selected name or an 8-byte IBM-registered name that uniquely identifies a specific subnetwork.

In MPTN architecture, the address qualifier of a transport provider address identifies a group of nodes according to the network in which they reside.

The term network identifier can also be applied in different ways to local network resources, for user authentication, but the classic use of the term relates to the TCP/IP address itself, how that is used to route information, and how it is used in the context of modern cybersecurity.

Example of usage“In TCP/IP address syntax and protocol, an address is composed of four octets that are decimal-represented, instead of represented to end-users in binary form. The fourth or last octet is designated to identify the host.”