As of this month, most of those orders have finally been fulfilled, but not without sprawling Reddit threads dedicated to tracking shipping statuses, order numbers, and total days since ordering. The recent release of the Glow in the Dark (GITD) limited edition added an extra layer of intrigue, with some fortunate souls receiving their orders immediately. This caused a mix of excitement and frustration among those who had already purchased the standard edition, as the GITD version wasn’t initially announced. Some even buy the limited editions simply because they want a Pocket, creating a delightfully frustrating situation for all involved.
The GITD Analogue Pocket is undoubtedly a visual delight (and the transparent editions promise to be equally appealing). It underscores Analogue’s unwavering commitment to retro purism. The Pocket, reminiscent of the Game Boy Pocket, which had a little-known, ultra-rare GITD limited edition distributed at a gaming competition, pays homage to this unique piece of gaming history. However, the original Game Boy Pocket lacked a backlight, making it challenging to enjoy the GITD effect during gameplay. In contrast, Analogue’s version can be fully enjoyed in the dark, embracing and encouraging the luminescent experience.