Doom now seems to be compatible with Windows' Notepad application

Doom now seems to be compatible with Windows’ Notepad application

Samperson demonstrates Doom running on Notepad in what seems to be a video version of ASCII art in a YouTube video. To be honest, it seems that Notepad is only showing the game, with software handling most of the actual labor. Regardless, it is a remarkable achievement. Samperson points out that the video footage has not been sped up, and the coding for the Notepad.exe file has not been altered.

Of course, it’s not the greatest method to play Doom. To begin with, to suggest the game lacks detail would be an understatement, leaving alone the fact that it will be in black and white. But don’t let it detract from the fact that this is really great. Even Doom creator John Romero retweeted Samperson, calling it “amazing.” There is no better compliment. Dartanian, a YouTube commenter, said it best: “This is both extremely amazing and seizure-causing all at the same.”