Details on the Civilization 6 Leader Pass have been leaked

Details on the Civilization 6 Leader Pass have been leaked

According to a number of recent leaks, Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 is set to get a fresh batch of DLC packs including Leader Pass material, and the most recent leak hints that developer Firaxis is planning a more significant batch of content than simply a plethora of new leaders to pick from. Since its initial release in 2016, Civ 6 has received a number of expansion packs, the most recent of which being the New Frontier Pass DLC.

While some may believe that Civilization 6 is long overdue for a sequel, Firaxis looks to have more ideas for the game before it’s all said and done. The game’s mobile website, in particular, was recently upgraded with a new piece of artwork showing four brand-new leaders, including Abraham Lincoln. This information backs up another leak from Billibilli, a Chinese media website, that was released before the photograph was shared.