Greninja is the next Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Seven-Star Raid

Greninja has been announced as the boss of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s third seven-star Tera Raid Event. As part of the event, the water-type starter will be available to capture for the first time in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet heavily rely on Tera Raids, and five- and six-star raids are excellent methods to get Herba Mystica, a sort of item that is essential for aspiring shiny hunters. While most raids can be completed alone as long as players have a decent, hard-hitting Pokemon, the latest inclusion of seven-star raids is a very other beasts. These raids, which began with the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Charizard Tera Raid Event, are significantly more challenging than regular raids, but they allow players to capture Pokemon that are otherwise unavailable in the most recent set of games.