background check

Your Ultimate Guide to Background Checks in 2020

If you skip this important step, you risk turning from investigator into investigate. No matter where in the U.S. your business is based, it is illegal to run a background check on a candidate before you have made them a job offer.

How to Choose an Online Background Check Service?

When visiting a people check the website, try to find out if it complies with the rules and regulations of The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). They clearly state how much information about an individual’s credit history you can legally obtain from an online background check service.

A site can be FCRA-compliant, but still provide info that’s defined as “too sensitive” by the law in some states. Therefore, you should find the Terms & Conditions section (usually located at the bottom of the landing page) and try to establish if States prohibit the use of the said website for collecting personal information on natural persons.

Paid or Unpaid Background Check?

This is the Hamletian question when it comes to choosing an online background lookup service. A free service usually reveals the tip of the iceberg in the form of criminal records, traffic records, social media accounts, and maybe a current address.