DuckDuckGo, on the other hand, came under criticism in May when monitoring scripts from the company’s partner, Microsoft, were discovered in DuckDuckGo’s search engine. DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg said that this was due to the company’s partnership agreement and that DuckDuckGo is trying to amend this policy.
There will be fewer advertisements
When you use DuckDuckGo, you should encounter fewer advertisements overall.
If you do a Google search, you may see advertisements in the top results. Ads aren’t usually shown in those areas, but they’re structured identically to regular search results, with just a bolded “Ad” and a separator dot to separate them.
When you search for anything on DuckDuckGo, you’ll see fewer advertisements and save time.
In addition to fewer advertisements on the results page, adverts won’t follow you throughout the web since DuckDuckGo eliminates internet trackers. If you use DuckDuckGo to look for anything specific, such as a new food bowl for your pet, you won’t constantly be seeing adverts for pet bowls on numerous websites.