What does PM mean on Facebook

What does PM mean on Facebook

When looking at some of these abbreviations, one of the more popular ones is PM. You may see some of the users telling you to PM them, or to send in requests via PM. You may even see brand accounts asking their fans to PM their views or reviews, which may sound confusing to the ordinary individual. While there are many translations to the term PM, but in the case of Facebook, and social media in general, PM stands for Personal Message. This usually refers to sending the user, a message in their inbox, rather than leaving a comment on their post or making a public comment with the user tagged within.

Sending a PM makes the conversation personal and exclusive and usually, people do it when there is something that they want to talk about, but do not want the public to be privy to the contents of the conversation. Brands usually host giveaways or contests and in order to communicate the results to the winner, they may reach out to the user and request him/her to PM them the relevant details.