TP-Link Archer AX6000 Review

Ease of use

Routers have become very easy to install over the past few years to the point where the AX6000 is purely a plug and play device.

Maintenance of the network is also quite simple. Thanks to the TP-link graphical control interface. This interface also allows for configuring the router without the hassle of desired technical know-how.

Things are even simpler thanks to the TP-link networking app which allows users to monitor the network via their mobile phone. There is no special add ons however but TP-link can always introduce new features via an app update. 

All in all, TP-Link has got it absolutely right with the Archer AX6000 router. Homes today are getting smarter and the reliance on web connectivity is everything these days, which is why, routers like the AX6000 are the routers you need powering your homes for that nice, seamless and top-notch web connectivity and performance.