The World of Warcraft Blizzard Gear Store now has an Alexstrasza statue.

Collectors of World of Warcraft may now obtain their own Alexstrasza to defend their shelves and cases. This 20-inch polyresin and PVC statue weighs just under 15 pounds. The legally licenced statue was sculpted by Brian Fay based on Alexstrasza’s new Dragonflight model produced by Natacha Nielsen and hand-painted by Lewis Villamar. The statue is now available for pre-order, however, it is not slated to be ready for delivery until September 2023.

The new Alexstrasza statue is not inexpensive: the collectable statue costs $900 before tax and delivery. As a result, the new statue is now the fourth most costly item in the Blizzard Gear shop. Only the Lich King Arthas and Reinhardt sculptures ($1,100 apiece) and the World of Warcraft Frostmourne premium replica ($1,500) are more costly than the latest Blizzard collectable.