The Corrupted Vibranium Event From Marvel’s Avengers Returns, With A Huge Marketplace Update

Over the next week, Marvel’s Avengers players may grind through the Corrupted Vibranium event and check out some Thor and Hawkeye cosmetics.

The Marvel’s Avengers update this week should be very thrilling for gamers who are still committed to the action game’s grind. Week #115’s events include the return of a fan-favourite event, the opportunity to acquire a lovely Hawkeye outfit, and several popular products in the game’s Marketplace.

The Corrupted Vibranium event is returning the spotlight to Wakanda in honour of the theatrical premiere of Wakanda Forever, and players may return to those activities to receive unique prizes during the next two weeks of gaming. Players of Marvel’s Avengers should be able to delve into these activities right now and begin grinding their way towards the completion prizes.

The weekly update is currently out, so gamers can get into the Square Enix game and begin exploring these activities and Marketplace products right away. This week’s Marketplace selections include another popular Ragnarok-inspired MCU outfit, so players who are still spending money in the game may be tempted to drop some resources if Thor is one of their favourite characters.

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