The visionary behind the iconic Super Smash Bros. series, Masahiro Sakurai, recently released a video offering insights into the development of the franchise’s latest triumph, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. In a candid moment, Sakurai acknowledged the daunting prospect of creating another game that could surpass the monumental success achieved by Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate made its debut on the Nintendo Switch in 2018, marking a groundbreaking entry in the series. Notably, it featured every fighter from the franchise’s storied history, including iconic characters like Snake from the Metal Gear Solid games and the Ice Climbers from the classic NES title Ice Climber. The game also introduced several new characters, such as Ridley from the Metroid series, further expanding its already diverse roster. The addition of paid downloadable content (DLC) brought fan-favorite third-party characters into the fray, including Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Joker from Persona 5, and Steve from Minecraft.