realme unveiled the realme 6Pro and realme C3. After realme 6 & 6i, realme has come up with a brand-new succession model realme 6 Pro with the classiest and most exquisite design possible. realme for the first time bought a quad camera design on the rear and dual camera on the front of the Pro series, making it truly magnificent with top-notch performance. The realme 6 Pro comes with a 16.6cm wide 90Hz Ultra Smooth Display Pro design and features the powerful Snapdragon 720G with Kryo 465 CPU with a maximum clock speed of 2.3GHz alongside sturdy Adreno 618 GPU for a thrilling gaming experience. This machine is fuelled with a massive 4300mAh battery and newly upgraded 30W Flash Charge which significantly reduces the charging time. The realme 6 Pro is equipped with Dolby Atmos high-resolution audio technology for all your immersive movie experience and music listening.