Players Showcase Creativity in Lego Fortnite Mode with DIY Vehicles and Builds

The new Lego Fortnite mode is bringing out some awesome creativity in players! Rather than just building houses, some are using tools like thrusters and balloons to create makeshift vehicles.

Folks on Reddit have shared clips of their DIY cars and planes made from unconventional parts. There’s no actual steering wheel item, so they’re rigging up solutions with the limited toolbox. Impressive innovation!

The mode’s trailer showed some balloon/thruster flying contraptions. But players are taking it further with complex technical builds. One user even posted a tutorial on making an easy boat/car.

It reminds me of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, where fans manipulate ancient technology into crazy vehicles. Give gamers tools and freedom, they’ll find a way!

Lego Fortnite doesn’t intend for these whacky whips, but enables that experimentation. The creativity is similar to Minecraft’s open-ended building.



Hopefully Epic keeps expanding the building toolkit over time. The early innovation from players shows they’re hungry to engineer and tinker.

It’s only been a week since launch and we’re already seeing player-made planes, cars and more. Who knows what wild rides they’ll whip up next?

This is what makes sandbox creation modes so special – players take tools in unexpected directions. I can’t wait to see how Lego Fortnite builders continue to surprise and inspire us!