Players of Modern Warfare 2 want the weapon modding UI to be similar to that of The Division

Players of Modern Warfare 2 want the weapon modding UI to be similar to that of The Division

Though Modern Warfare 2’s Gunsmith 2.0 has a far more extensive list of attachments than 2019’s Modern Warfare, Stuf404 and a number of other players believe Infinity Ward should’ve made the feature far more insightful. After all, having a large number of options isn’t very impressive if the player doesn’t know what effect each one will have.

In fact, while Modern Warfare 2 allows you to create niche weapons if you want to, the statistical breakdown appears to have been downgraded from the previous Call of Duty games. When switching attachments, both Cold War and Vanguard provided numerical comparisons, which Modern Warfare 2 does not. In the meantime, Infinity Ward has added a slew of perplexing statistics to the mix, such as recoil smoothness, recoil stabilization, recoil steadiness, and a slew of others, and while attachments interact with these features, the game neither explains what they are nor shows the player how they might change.