Online trailers for the Fire Emblem Engage title screen and opening cinematic

Online trailers for the Fire Emblem Engage title screen and opening cinematic

Before transitioning to a sequence where Lumera, Alear’s mother, meets them in a chamber, the video continues with Alear joining their four new comrades as they continue their trip. Rings of light then encircle Alear, revealing glimpses between their current and previous selves, hinting at how Alear was probably bad in the past and did a lot of harm. It then switches to a brief montage of all five protagonists fighting, with all five sets facing a battle against the Fell Dragon.

As the tune fades away, Alear raises its Emblem ring to the heavens before it falls to the earth. The title screen is equally understated, with Alear calling out the game’s title and a slow circular pan around an interior room. Fans noticed that the game’s English theme tune has a higher-energy anime opening atmosphere, but a version heard in one of the Japanese ads is slower and sad, likely reserved for the closing credits.