The PlayStation Store is buzzing with game titles that cater to all sorts of gamers and with the whole content scene going online, many people are resorting to buying online copies of their favorite games, rather than the disks.
It may so happen that you also purchased something from the PlayStation Store but then changed your mind a few days later. Whether you purchased a game in error or simply desired a refund, obtaining one is now as simple as interacting with a representative for a few minutes. Sony’s refund policy, which was implemented in 2019, covers preorders, games, DLC, subscriptions, and movies and allows for a 14-day return period from the date of purchase.
While the return policy is pretty broad, there is one significant caveat: after you have downloaded your purchased content, you are no longer entitled to a refund. If you preordered a title more than 14 days prior to its release, you may request a refund at any point prior to the product’s release. If you preordered a game within 14 days of its release, you have up to 14 days from the date of preorder to obtain a refund. There is one critical point to remember about both of these presale agreements, and that is that once the game preloads into your console, you are out of luck – even if you haven’t played it yet.
In this tutorial, we are going to walk you through the steps that will enable you to get a refund for your PlayStation store purchase (as long as you are eligible for one of course).
Step 1. Open the PlayStation Store app on your smartphone.