This is how you can use the content warning on Twitter while posting sensitive images

There are many situations, like the current war between Russia and Ukraine, where journalists and even locals are sharing pictures of the ground reality and some of those pictures are very graphic and definitely not for the faint-hearted. Being an open public platform, users are allowed post pictures of all kinds on Twitter and the moment they hit the publish button, these pictures will reside on the platform for the world to see.

Sensitive pictures can actually offer a lot of insight into what really is happening at that particular location and sometimes, these very photos and videos offer the actual truth rather than the glossed-over versions that we see on many news outlets. If you have such a picture or video that you want to share on Twitter, but you don’t want to cause trauma amongst the faint-hearted, a nice little feature that you can use is the content warning overlay. What this does is that it puts a content warning on top of your picture and only when the person in question chooses to see the photo or video, is the content actually revealed.

In this tutorial, we are going to show how you can use the content warning on Twitter while posting sensitive images.

Step 1. Open Twitter and start composing a Tweet.