New Skyrim Mod Adds Climbing Feature, Modernizing Gameplay

A new Skyrim mod called Skyclimb introduces a climbing mechanic, enhancing the gameplay experience and making it more akin to modern games.

Reddit user Good_Breakfast8000 recently showcased the new Skyrim mod, Skyclimb, developed by sokco816. In a video shared on Reddit, Good_Breakfast8000 demonstrated the climbing feature in various locations within Whiterun. Utilizing Skyclimb alongside other mods, the character showcased the smooth climbing animations and mechanics. The video depicted the character scaling stalls in front of the Whiterun Inn, followed by similar feats on buildings and even the awning surrounding the Skyrim Gildergreen tree. Impressively, the character was able to jump down from the climbed areas without suffering fall damage, and the animations were reminiscent of those found in modern games. The climbing animations are accomplished through the integration of another mod called EVG Animated Traversal.