Netflix has confirmed that a Stranger Things VR game will be released in 'late 2023.'

Netflix has confirmed that a Stranger Things VR game will be released in ‘late 2023.’

“Play as Vecna in this new Stranger Things VR experience,” according to the video description. “Form the hive mind and conquer the vacuum to become an explorer of uncharted realms. In your journey to get vengeance on Eleven and Hawkins, infiltrate minds and manufacture nightmares. Stranger Things VR is a psychological horror/action game created by Tender Claws that will be available on major VR platforms in the winter of 2023.”

According to their about page, Tender Claws previously created the VR games Virtual Virtual Reality 1 and 2, as well as the “mobile AR virtual pet Tendar, and immersive theatrical experiences The Under Presents and Tempest.” Meanwhile, Netflix has already produced many games based on its main series, including Stranger Things: The VR Experience and Stranger Things 3: The Game for mobile and console.