Triviaverse by Netflix is a quick new trivia game that you may play with a companion

Triviaverse by Netflix is a quick new trivia game that you may play with a companion

Triviaverse by Netflix is a new “quick-hit trivia experience” that will be available on the streaming service on Tuesday. Games are generally around five minutes long, and you may play by yourself or against another person. I got to try it out ahead of the announcement on Tuesday, and we expect a lot of people will fill it up for heated trivia games with family and friends during the holidays.

This is how it works. You’ll choose whether to play single or against others, guided by your host, a strange pair of creepy glowing eyes. Each round consists of a progressively challenging sequence of trivia questions, with a minute to accurately answer as many as you can. According to a list of themes supplied by Netflix representative MoMo Zhou, you’ll be charged with completing trivia from a variety of areas, including animals, geography, science and technology, global history, sports, cuisine, music, movies and TV, art, literature, and “miscellaneous.”