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Neil Druckmann of Naughty Dog clarifies recent comments about his next game

Neil Druckmann, game director and co-president of video game company Naughty Dog, went to Twitter to clear up some misconceptions over statements he made about his unnamed upcoming game in a recent story in The New Yorker. Druckmann indicated in an article on the planned HBO adaptation of The Last of Us and the shaky track record of video game-to-film adaptations that his next game will be “organised more like a TV programme.”

Games from Naughty Dog have a lengthy history of being heavily influenced by the movies. Out of context, Druckmann’s statements about his upcoming game drawing more inspiration from TV than cinema led some to believe it would be episodic in nature, similar to Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead series rather than Druckmann’s prior narratively self-contained titles. The context of the quote shows differently.