Methods for monitoring and restricting data consumption on an android smartphone

Methods for monitoring and restricting data consumption on an android smartphone

Despite the fact that many data plans these days are promoted as “unlimited,” the majority of them include a cut-off point at which your data stream will begin to drop dramatically. If you do not wish to pay the expensive fees associated with “unlimited” plans, it is even more critical that you do not exceed your data allocation, otherwise, you may be subjected to severe fines and penalties. In any case, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your data usage — not just to ensure that you don’t over your data restrictions, but also to determine whether you need to revise your current data plan.

It’s not difficult to accomplish this with the tools included in current versions of Android or with the help of third-party software. Here are a few tactics that you may use to your advantage.

Number 1. Set a Data limit

If you’re close to reaching your data limit before the end of your monthly payment cycle, you may have your phone send you a notification. You may also set a data use limit over which your phone will not utilize any data at all.

Step 1. Open the Settings app on your Android smartphone.


Methods for monitoring and restricting data consumption on an android smartphone


Step 2. In the settings menu, tap on the ‘WiFi and Network’ option.


Methods for monitoring and restricting data consumption on an android smartphone


Step 3. Now, in the wifi and network settings, tap on the ‘Data Usage’ option.