Masahiro Sakurai displays a prototype of the game that would eventually become Smash Bros

Masahiro Sakurai displays a prototype of the game that would eventually become Smash Bros

Sakurai discussed some of the ideas behind Smash Bros., which remains distinct from most other fighting games to this day. He believed that intricate and combo-focused games may alienate players. Instead, Smash relies on simplified controls and an accumulating damage system to make the game more approachable and promote creativity. The inclusion of Nintendo characters occurred later in the production process. While the characters were included in the final game, Sakurai said that Nintendo’s wholesalers and sales teams “flatly rejected the notion of having Nintendo’s characters beat each other up” prior to release. (The initial Smash Bros. game also determined Kirby’s now-distinctive voice.)

It’s an interesting video, and you should watch all eight and a half minutes of it. While you’re on Sakurai’s channel, I strongly suggest watching any of his other videos. Since the channel’s inception in August, I’ve really loved each and every one. (There’s even one regarding file names that’s worth a look.) And Smash fans will have even more to look forward to, as Sakurai has revealed that a video about Super Smash Bros. Melee is currently in the works.