Marth, Celica, and Sigurd have new character bios in Fire Emblem Engage

Celica, the lovely princess of the country Zophia from Valentia, who symbolises the Emblem of Echoes, follows him. Celica is defined as being useful to offensive magic troops since she is a magic-focused character who can cast a number of strong spells. This is underlined with strong Engage Attacks like Warp Ragnarok, a more potent form of her Ragnarok spell.

The last character in this biography is Sigurd, the Holy War Emblem. Sigurd is a noble knight descended from a line of legendary crusaders in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. His Emblem Ring may be worn by any character in Alear’s army, and any unit wearing it will be able to march farther than normal. Furthermore, after the assault, the equipped unit may move again and escape to a different section of the battlefield. He also gives Ridersbane, an Engage Weapon that delivers more damage to cavalry troops.