Linksys WRT3200 AC AC3200 MU-MIMO GIGABIT WI-FI Router Review

An enterprise grade router based , open source firmware customization,future proof Wifi tech with MU MIMO and Tri Stream 160 , We recommend it Overall this has been the best router I have used to this date .
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Linksys is a name synonymous with WiFi routers and has been leading the pack for many years now. Their USP is the fact that each new offering from Linksys offers the customers many new features along with technical upgrades to keep the product in sync with current benchmark standards. Recently, Linksys unveiled their new offering to the world, and all that’s left to do is to determine whether or not the WRT3200AC lives up to the reputation. So, without further ado, lets get started.

The WRT3200AC is the newest offering of  Linksys, and while on paper, it features some significant changes on the inside, the design has been retained from the predecessors. We get the same sort of sharp box like packaging with the signature blue colour and that’s basically it. It features four adjustable removable external antennas and LED status indicators on the front for Internet, the 2.4GHz and 5GHz radio bands, WPS, the LAN ports, the USB and eSATA ports, and Power. On the rear, we have four Gigabit LAN ports, a WAN port, a USB 3.0 port, a USB 2.0/eSATA combined port, Power and WPS buttons. In Addition, the WRT3200AC also allows users to customise the settings of the router to their preference, giving each individual router, a unique performance flavor.

On the inside of the WRT3200AC Router is where you will actually find some noticeable changes. It now features an improved and more powerful dual-core processor that clocks in at 1.8 GHz, and giving it the company is 256MB of Flash and 512MB of system memory.

The WRT3200AC has been designed to conform with the latest Tri-Band 160 Technology. For those who are not aware, Tri Band 160 is this new upcoming technology, which makes the WRT3200AC twice as fast as other routers, at close range. While this is purely theoretical and practical confirmation is an absolute mouth watering thought, it will still be a few more years till we actually see devices that conform with the Tri Band 160 Technology. So, as of today, the fact that the WRT3200AC features Tri Band 160 technology is only a positive on paper.