Lemnis Gate will be delisted and decommissioned

Lemnis Gate will be delisted and decommissioned

On April 11, 2023, Lemnis Gate will be removed from both PC and platform marketplaces. According to Ratloop, it will be unable to buy the game on any platform after that time, although owners will still be able to play a few bouts. Ratloop will specifically keep the Lemnis Gate multiplayer servers operating until July 11, and if a large portion of the game’s player population returns to give it one more go before it all shuts down, it should be quite straightforward to see and feel what it was all about.

Lemnis Gate, one of the best time loop games of 2021, offered players a novel premise: anybody and everyone could go back in time anytime they wanted. This created a plethora of tactical chances and combat situations in which many timelines coincided and overlapped in real time. Yet, the game’s intricacy was evident and may have turned off some players.